Campbelltown Rec Spring 2025

Recreational Soccer League Program

The recreational program is based on training curriculum which develops players' technical foot skills and understanding of the game.  Focus is on performance before outcome.  Teams are grouped by similar age ranges and play within a local recreational soccer league (Lebanon Valley Youth Soccer League).  6-8 games are played against other local recreational teams on Saturdays within Lebanon county.  Practices are twice a week until games start, then once per week through the rest of the season.  All practices and home games are held at Ridge Road or Campbelltown Park.

Fall Season (Born 2010-2016) Games Begin the Weekend AFTER Labor Day
Spring Season (Born 2010-2016) Games Begin in April

Cost - $79,  $10 sibling discount,  $20 volunteer coach discount.
Includes: 10 week season, jersey, league fees, referee fees/
Players need to provide shin guards and cleats.